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insieme alle tecnologie Advanced 3D.
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Castle of Toppo, Travesio (PN), Italy #3
Castle of Toppo, Travesio (PN), Italy #1
Castle of Toppo, Travesio (PN), Italy #2
Fujairah Fort, United Arab Emirates
Struttura muraria #2, Aquileia
Struttura muraria #3, Aquileia
Statua Femminile Acefala-Headless Female Statue
Statuetta Femminile Drappeggiata-Female figurine
Ritratto Femminile con Corona-Female Portrait
Testa Femminile Diademata - Female head
Busto Virile - Bust Manly
Stele Sepolcrale dei Corneli - Burial stem
Diana cacciatrice - Diana hunter
Testa di mulo bacchico - Bacchus mule head
Anforetta in vetro | glass amphora
Paride arciere | Paris archer
Offerente su kline | offerer on a kline
Gladiatore in terracotta | terracotta gladiator
Vaso in terracotta | ceramic pot
Rython in ceramica invetriata | ceramic rython
Squadra in bronzo | bronze set square
Gladiatore in terracotta | terracotta gladiator
Ulysses, 2nd cent. AD
St. Anastasia’s urn, Sesto al Reghena, Italy
Mayan Figurine # 2
Mayan Figurine # 3
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